Most Trusted Bhandari Matrimony & Matrimonial Service

About Bhandari Matrimony

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Hailing from Goa, the Bhandaris are a community that primarily speaks Konkani, and largely inhabits various parts of Maharashtra. Their history is known for the Portuguese influence, which brings a lot of unique elements to their cultural heritage. The distinct practices that can be observed even during wedding ceremonies truly set them apart from other communities in the region. One of the most interesting traditions in the community is the Toddy Tapping ceremony, which requires the groom to climb a coconut tree and tap toddy from it to prove his physical strength and ability to his future family. In a typical Bhandari matrimony the community often relies on their near and dear ones to find a suitable match within their known.

The modern-day Bhandari brides and grooms are jolly by nature, well educated, and ambitious by profession. They seek similar qualities in their partners and hope to build a positive and progressive relationship together. This Konkani community values their heritage more than anything, and regardless of where the prospective bride and groom have been brought up, they carry their heritage with respect and love. If you're here to find the perfect Bhandari matrimony for someone in your family, this is where you can discover a variety of verified profiles.

SH72730292's profile pic


46 yrs, 5' 3"", Hindu, Bhandari, Mumbai

SH60693109's profile pic


29 yrs, 5' 2"", Hindu, Bhandari, Hissar

SH63156800's profile pic


56 yrs, 5' 5"", Hindu, Bhandari, Bengaluru

SH44891412's profile pic


28 yrs, 5' 2"", Hindu, Bhandari, London

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